What is GST?
Goods and Service Tax
Goods and Service Tax is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. GST applies to most businesses that trade in Australia and it's highly likely that your business will be affected by the tax.
Businesses that have gross sales greater than A$75,000 in a 12 month period will need to:
Register for GST with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Charge GST on taxable sales
Lodge returns to the ATO
Pay the GST to the ATO
In the standard system, you charge GST at point of sale, and then pay the GST (less any credits) to the ATO in your GST return

If you are a non-resident business, you can choose from simplified or standard registration.
Simplified GST registration is not available if you are a non-resident business that imports goods and warehouses them in Australia before selling them online, directly or through an electronic distribution platform. You will have a GST obligation for the goods sold because the goods are located in Australia. Instead, standard GST registration will allow you to meet your GST obligations and also allow you to claim GST credits you incur on the taxable importation of the goods.
Additionally, if you're a non-resident business you'll need to utilise the services of an Australian registered tax or BAS agent to lodge your activity statements.
ZonKeepers are ecommerce specialists and can help with your GST filings, ensuring that you're compliant with your GST obligations.